Semi-finished and finished goods, OEM products
Industrial and precision parts, prefabricated parts, assemblies or semi-finished products, almost anything is possible. We process almost all common materials. According to your specifications.
- We produce, among other things: stampings
- die-cast zinc products
- aluminum extrusion parts
- turned parts (CNC parts and automatic lathe turned parts)
- injection-molded plastic products
- die-cast aluminum parts
- wire-formed parts
- laser-cut parts
- stainless steel pipes (welded)
- welded assemblies
- technical textiles
- special packaging
- commercial goods & equipment
- and much more
- Our surface finishing is multilayered. With us you can powder-coat
- galvanize (zinc-coating, nickel-plating, chromatizing, hard chrome plating and more)
- anodize
- wet-paint
- electropolish
- and much more
Raw material providers supply our production facilities in coordination with our technicians and QA staff on site. Production is carried out under continuous supervision and with regular checks. In-house material analyses are a natural part of our business, as are test reports on a regular basis.
Feel free to contact us!